One elephant produces 500 pounds of Dung every day, which is enough to make 1000 sheets of A4 paper. 

“The paper is entirely sterile and stink-free.”

Elephant Poop Paper

The process of making paper from elephant dung is relatively straightforward. 

1)The Dung is collected from nearby sanctuaries and washed thoroughly with water until only the fiber is left. Since this process is water-intensive, cleaning happens close to cultivated land. This water acts as fantastic fertilizer. 

Because elephants are herbivorous animals and have a sluggish digestive tract, the poo is rich in fibers, making it one of the best raw materials to make paper.

2) Fiber is cooked in water for 4-5 hours. 

3) After that, the fiber is sun-dried. 

4) The sun-dried fiber (sometimes with a small percentage of cotton rags for added strength) then goes into a Hollander beater to be beaten into a pulp. 

5) The pulp then passes through the roller and conveyor-based machinery to drain excess water. 

6) The following process involves air-drying the sheets. 

7) The final process is calendaring. Paper sheets are calendared to make them smoother and writable. Calendaring involves interleaving many sheets with zinc-coated metal sheets and passing them under pressure, back and forth between two rollers.

We can save 14400 mature trees (40’ tall) every day if we could use only 10% of available Elephant dung in the world. It also solves the dumping problem and stops the generation of Methane gas.

🌲No deforestation: Production of Elephant Poop Paper requires not a single tree felled.

🚫 No chemicals – the production of wood pulp paper requires over 60 chemicals to be used. These chemicals pollute the soil when water is thrown away. Elephant Poo paper is produced naturally, using no harmful chemicals.

💧Zero Water Wastage: Discarded water from cleaning Dung is used as fertilizer in cultivable land, and the water dumped in the pulping process is completely recycled.

✨ Better cleanliness – using animal waste to create something new helps keep the elephants’ habitats clean.



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